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B, [Wireless Settings] Appendix

A1. Character Reference Tables #

Table 1. ASCII Function Key Table #

HEX CODE *Ctrl OFF Config1 Ctrl OFF Config2 Ctrl ON Keyboard Windows ALT-Keyboard Windows HEX CODE *Ctrl OFF Config1/2 Ctrl ON Keyboard Windows ALT-Keyboard Windows
00H NUL NUL NUL Ctrl+@ ALT+000 10H DLE NUL Ctrl+P ALT+016
01H SOH NUL NUL Ctrl+A ALT+001 11H DC1 NUL Ctrl+Q ALT+017
02H STX NUL NUL Ctrl+B ALT+002 12H DC2 NUL Ctrl+R ALT+018
03H ETX NUL NUL Ctrl+C ALT+003 13H DC3 NUL Ctrl+S ALT+019
04H EOT NUL NUL Ctrl+D ALT+004 14H DC4 NUL Ctrl+T ALT+020
05H ENQ NUL NUL Ctrl+E ALT+005 15H NAK NUL Ctrl+U ALT+021
06H ACK NUL NUL Ctrl+F ALT+006 16H SYN NUL Ctrl+V ALT+022
07H BEL NUL NUL Ctrl+G ALT+007 17H ETB NUL Ctrl+W ALT+023
08H BS Backspace Backspace Ctrl+H ALT+008 18H CAN NUL Ctrl+X ALT+024
09H HT TAB TAB TAB ALT+009 19H EM NUL Ctrl+Y ALT+025
0AH LF NUL Enter Ctrl+J ALT+010 1AH SUB NUL Ctrl+Z ALT+026
0BH VT TAB TAB Ctrl+K ALT+011 1BH ESC ESC Ctrl+[ ALT+027
0CH FF NUL NUL Ctrl+L ALT+012 1CH FS NUL Ctrl+\ ALT+028
0DH CR Enter Enter Enter Enter 1DH GS NUL Ctrl+] ALT+029
0EH SO NUL NUL Ctrl+N ALT+014 1EH RS NUL Ctrl+^ ALT+030
0FH SI NUL NUL Ctrl+O ALT+015 1FH US NUL Ctrl+- ALT+031

*Note: Ctrl key replaced by Command key in MAC system



Table 2. ASCII Character Table #

20H Space 30H 0 40H @ 50H P 60H ` 70H p 80H F1 90H End
21H ! 31H 1 41H A 51H Q 61H a 71H q 81H F2 91H Page Down
22H " 32H 2 42H B 52H R 62H b 72H r 82H F3 92H Right Arrow
23H # 33H 3 43H C 53H S 63H c 73H s 83H F4 93H Left Arrow
24H $ 34H 4 44H D 54H T 64H d 74H t 84H F5 94H Down Arrow
25H % 35H 5 45H E 55H U 65H e 75H u 85H F6 95H Up Arrow
26H & 36H 6 46H F 56H V 66H f 76H v 86H F7 96H Print Screen
27H ' 37H 7 47H G 57H W 67H g 77H w 87H F8 97H *Ctrl
28H ( 38H 8 48H H 58H X 68H h 78H x 88H F9 98H *Shift
29H ) 39H 9 49H I 59H Y 69H i 79H y 89H F10 99H *Left Alt
2AH * 3AH : 4AH J 5AH Z 6AH j 7AH z 8AH F11 9AH *Right Alt
2BH + 3BH ; 4BH K 5BH [ 6BH k 7BH { 8BH F12 9BH  1s Delay
2CH , 3CH < 4CH L 5CH \ 6CH l 7CH | 8CH Insert 9CH  *Win-GUI
2DH - 3DH = 4DH M 5DH ] 6DH m 7DH } 8DH Home    
2EH . 3EH > 4EH N 5EH ^ 6EH n 7EH ~ 8EH Page Up    
2FH / 3FH ? 4FH O 5FH _ 6FH o 7FH DEL 8FH Delete    

Note: When setting Ctrl, Shift, Alt, or GUI as a prefix or suffix, it will combine with the next character as a combination key (not supported when set as ALT on the TH keyboard).



A2. Scanner SSI Command Communication Format #

Communication Interface:

  • Bluetooth SPP/BLE mode, USB CDC.

Communication Description:
The communication between the host computer and the scanner supports the configuration barcodes listed in this manual. The format is described below.
Note: The interval between sending two commands should be greater than 25ms.

Communication Format between Host Computer and Scanner:

  • Format: STX + LEN + SOURCE (0x0A) + CMD + (DATA) + CHK + ETX
  • ACK: LEN + SOURCE (0x0B) (Setting), or Reply Data (Read).
  • LEN: Number of bytes in the frame excluding STX and ETX.
  • CHK: The checksum is the weighted sum of each byte in the frame, excluding STX, CHK, and ETX.


Get Version Number: {02 0B 0A 24 53 57 23 56 45 52 F8 42 03}

Value 0x02 0x0B 0x0A $ S W # V E R MSB LSB 0x03
DEC   11 10 36 83 87 35 86 69 82      
HEX 2 B A 24 53 57 23 56 45 52 F8 42 3
WEIGHT   9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1      
VAL*WEIGHT   99 80 252 498 435 140 258 138 82 F842  


Get Battery Level:{02 0D 0A 25 42 41 54 5F 56 4F 4C 23 F3 16 03}

Value 0x02 0x0D 0x0A % B A T _ V O L # MSB LSB 0x03
DEC   13 10 37 66 65 84 95 86 79 76 35      
HEX 2 D A 25 42 41 54 5F 56 4F 4C 23 F3 16 3
WEIGHT   11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1      
VAL*WEI   143 100 333 528 455 504 475 344 237 152 35 F316  



Enable SDK Sound Response: {02 0E 0A 25 41 43 4B 42 45 45 50 23 31 F1 AA 03}

Value 0x02 0x0E 0x0A % A C K B E E P # 1 MSB LSB 0x03
DEC   14 10 37 65 67 75 66 69 69 80 35 49      
HEX 2 E A 25 41 43 4B 42 45 45 50 23 31 F1 AA 3
W   12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1      
VAL*W   168 110 370 585 536 525 396 345 276 240 70 49 F1AA  



Checksum Calculation:
CHK = 0x10000 - ((VAL * WEIGHT) & 0xffff)

If only CMD/DATA is sent, the scanner will respond in the same way as scanning the corresponding configuration barcode.

Updated on 22 Aug 2024