NETUM label printing user agreement -en

Please be sure to carefully read and understand all the rights and restrictions stipulated in this "NETUM Label Printing User Agreement" (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement").

Before installing or using the NETUM label printing application software (hereinafter referred to as the "software"), you need to carefully read and decide to accept or not accept the terms of this "Agreement". Unless or until you accept all the terms of this "Agreement", you may not install or use this "software". Your installation or use behavior is deemed to be that you have read and agreed to be bound by all the terms of this agreement.

This "Agreement" is a legal agreement between you and NETUM Marking Equipment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "NETUM") regarding this "software". Unless a separate end-user license agreement or conditions of use instructions are attached, this "software" also includes any upgraded version, amendments, revisions and supplements of the "software" provided by NETUM after you purchase the "software". You should choose the version of this software that matches your terminal, system, etc., otherwise, you may not be able to use this software normally.

This "software" is protected by the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China, international copyright treaties and other intellectual property laws and treaties.

1. Acquisition of software
You can obtain this "software" from a third party legally authorized by NETUM.
If you obtain this "software" or an installation program with the same name as this "software" from a third party that is not legally authorized by NETUM, NETUM cannot guarantee that the software can be used normally, and will not be responsible for the losses caused to you.
2. Software installation, use and uninstallation
NETUM may have developed different software versions suitable for NETUM series products for different terminals, systems, etc. You should choose to download the appropriate version for installation according to the actual situation.
After downloading the installation program, you need to follow the steps prompted by the program to install it correctly.
In order to provide more high-quality and safe services, NETUM may recommend you to install other software during the installation of this "software", and you can choose to install it or not. If you choose to install, you must agree and accept all agreements (if any) attached to the software and all policies (if any) related to the software. NETUM is not responsible for your installation and use of third-party software.
If you no longer need to use the "software" or need to install a new version of the software, you can uninstall the "software" yourself.
The nicknames, avatars, signatures, messages, etc. you set in your account must comply with laws and regulations, public order and good customs, and social ethics, and will not infringe the legitimate rights and interests of other third parties; at the same time, properly keep the account used to log in to the "software", Password: NETUM does not assume any responsibility if the account or password is lost, stolen, or used by a third party not authorized by you, which causes you losses.
3. Software update
In order to enhance the user experience and improve the service content, NETUM will continue to work hard to develop new functions of this "software" and provide you with updates of this "software" from time to time (these updates may take the form of software replacement, modification, function enhancement, version upgrade, etc.) ).
In order to ensure the security of the service and the consistency of functions, this "software" turns on automatic upgrades, updates and other functions for you by default, that is, NETUM has the right to update the "software" or to the "software" without special notice to you. Part of the functional effects are changed or restricted. If you do not want to use the upgraded or updated version, please contact NETUM, and NETUM will roll back the software to the previous version of the updated version only for you.
Any replacement or modified version or upgraded version of this "software" provided to you by NETUM will be regarded as a part of this "software" and subject to the terms of this "Agreement" (unless this "Agreement" is accompanied by this Replaced or modified version or upgraded version of "Software" replaced by another "Agreement").
If NETUM provides a replacement version or a modified version or any upgraded version of this "software", your terms of use of the alternative or modified version or any upgraded version of this "software" are (a) you accept this type of "software" Replacement version or modified version or upgrade version and any accompanying replacement "Agreement" (if any), and (b) your use of all previous versions of this "software" will be terminated.
4. The copyright and other intellectual property rights of this "software"
You must not remove any copyright signs and copyright notices on this "software".
The copyright of this "software" (including but not limited to any images, photos, animations, videos, sound recordings, music, text and additional programs contained in this "software"), the accompanying electronic materials, and other intellectual property rights shall be NETUM owns (except for trademarks owned by third parties and other rights owned by third parties).
This "software" and electronic materials enjoy copyright and are protected by the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China and the provisions of international treaties.
5. Limited Liability
To the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws, NETUM will never make any indirect, accidental, direct, special, punitive or any other damages caused by or related to the use or inability to use this "software" ( Including but not limited to damage caused by property damage, damage caused by loss of profit, data loss, business interruption, computer paralysis or malfunction, loss of business information, and damage caused by failure to perform any responsibilities including integrity or due care Damage caused by privacy leakage, damage caused by negligence, or damage caused by any monetary loss or any other loss, except for the loss of your property caused by NETUM’s intentional or gross negligence). Even if NETUM is notified of the possibility of the damage in advance, even if the remedial measures fail to achieve the intended purpose, this damage exclusion clause will remain effective.

To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, no matter what the circumstances, NETUM’s full responsibility under any clause of this Agreement shall be the reasonable payment ( If any), if you get the "software" for free, NETUM is not obligated to assume any responsibility or pay you any compensation. At the same time, NETUM is not responsible for any claims or damages caused by the content provided by you or a third party that is applied to or operated on the "software" or other content related to the content.

6. Termination of License
If you fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this "Agreement", NETUM may terminate this "Agreement". When terminating this "Agreement", you must uninstall the "Software" immediately, and you must not use the "Software" in any way or through any means (including but not limited to web pages, small programs).
By providing you with any replacement version or modified version or upgraded version of this "software" to replace the "Agreement", and stipulate that you use such a replacement version or modified version or upgraded version of the condition is that you accept such a replacement "Agreement" ", NETUM has the right to terminate this "Agreement".
7. Applicable, governing law and validity of terms
The conclusion, implementation and interpretation of this "Agreement" and dispute resolution shall be governed by the laws of Mainland China.
If you and NETUM have any disputes over the content of this "Agreement" or its implementation, the two parties shall conduct friendly negotiation; if the negotiation fails, either party can bring a lawsuit to the people's court with jurisdiction in the place where NETUM is domiciled.
The clauses of this Agreement are severable. If a clause is deemed invalid by the applicable law, the other clauses will not be affected and shall continue to be valid and enforced.
8. Special Reminder
Please read the privacy policy of this "software" carefully, which is an important part of this agreement. You confirm that you accept all the contents of this policy and promise to check the policy regularly to keep abreast of whether the policy has been modified and the content after the modification.
NETUM is willing to do its best to provide you with more and better functions through this "software". You understand and acknowledge that although NETUM provides you with the existing functions of the "software" (referred to as the "existing functions"), NETUM may in the future replace or modify a version of the "software" or any new version of any upgraded version. You will be charged for all or part of the addition, replacement or additional functions (referred to as "charged functions"). The specific tariff policy is subject to the content announced by NETUM at that time. At that time, you can choose whether to accept the charging functions of the "software" provided by NETUM. If you choose to accept, you should pay the relevant fees in accordance with the charging policy formulated by NETUM at that time. If NETUM has any accompanying agreements or clauses for any charging function of this "software", you need to agree to these agreements or clauses first when you choose to accept the charging functions, and these agreements or clauses will be deemed to be relevant to this "software". Supplements to the content of the Agreement, if there is a conflict, these agreements or terms will be applied first.
In addition, we remind you that the provisions of this Agreement may sometimes be changed (including but not limited to the modification, change, replacement, addition, deletion, and supplementary agreement, etc.) of the existing clauses of this Agreement directly on the basis of this Agreement. Modifications, changes, replacements, additions, and deletions to the existing terms of this "Agreement", once this "Agreement" changes, we will notify you in the following ways: in any replacement version of the "software" provided to you Or the modified version or upgraded version of the installation package is accompanied by a copy of the changed content of this "Agreement" and/or the entire content of this "Agreement" after the change or a URL link that can display the foregoing content. Once you successfully install this type of replacement, Modifying or upgrading the version of the installation package means that you have read, understood and agreed to all the contents of this "Agreement" after the change.
9. Advertising
You acknowledge that NETUM has the right to use this "software" to display advertisements or promote to you at any time, including but not limited to using this "software" to publish advertisements for any third party, promote third-party products and services, or target NETUM's own products and services Advertisement or promotion, etc. You agree that you do not have any rights to any benefits that NETUM obtains by using this "software" at any time (including but not limited to the income derived from advertising for any third party and the promotion of third-party products and services). Any benefits obtained from this "software" at the time all belong to NETUM.
NETUM uses this "software" to display, publish advertisements, conduct sales, and promote the form (including but not limited to the display of third-party advertisements on the "software" startup interface, etc.), mode and scope may be changed without special notice to you.
You should be aware that the content displayed to you on this "software", including but not limited to the content displayed in the advertisements and promotion services in this "software", may be protected by intellectual property rights. You may not modify, lease, rent, lend, sell, distribute the content (whether in whole or in part), or create derivative works based on the content, unless NETUM or the content right holder specifically informs the user that it can be done in the relevant agreement or relevant business rules.
Your communication or business dealings with advertisers in or through this software, or participation in promotional activities, including payment and delivery of related goods or services, and any other relevant terms, conditions, guarantees or declarations of the foregoing transactions, are entirely for you and For the aforementioned acts between advertisers, NETUM does not undertake the obligation to review and screen advertisements and advertisers.
You agree that NETUM will not be responsible for any of the foregoing transactions or any loss or damage of any nature caused by the foregoing advertisers in the "software".
The special reminder clause of Article 8 of this Agreement shall have priority over other provisions of this Agreement. When the special reminder clause of Article 8 of this Agreement conflicts with other provisions of this Agreement, this Agreement shall Article 8 The special reminder clause shall prevail.

At this point, you must have read and understood this "Agreement" in detail, and agreed to strictly abide by the terms and conditions. If you have any questions about the agreement, you can contact our customer service (Tel: 4001-681-299) for consultation.